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Challenge 1: #CreateYourFuture

4 – 19 April 2022

Tell us the skills you need to achieve your professional goals and discover your dream career. Answer questions such as, what is preventing you from acquiring these skills? And what are some solutions that could eliminate these obstacles?

$600 Prize Pool + $200 prize sponsored by Friends of Bata

Challenge 2: #BuildYourResume

20 April – 5 May 2022

Employers want to see who you are beyond your CV, tell us how you will adapt to the changes and ensure your personality shines through when applying for a job. Answer questions such as, what are the changes you’ve experienced in the job search process and how will you adapt to these changes in order to find your dream job?

$600 Prize Pool + $1,200 prize sponsored by Friends of Bata

Challenge 3: #ResourceCheck

6 – 20 May 2022

To become a successful entrepreneur you need to identify the financial, physical, human and educational resources you will need to begin your journey. Answer questions such as, what resources would you need to start your business? What are the challenges in getting these resources? And what are the solutions to overcome these challenges?

$600 Prize Pool + $1,200 prize sponsored by Friends of Bata

Challenge 4: #PitchYourIdea

20 May – 3 June 2022

If you had 90 seconds to pitch your business idea and impress an investor, would you be able to do it? Pitching is an essential skill that entrepreneurs need to master to grow their business. Participate in this challenge to pitch your dream project or business and tell us why an investor should invest in you! 

$600 Prize Pool + $1,200 prize sponsored by Friends of Bata